Honey Trigona Sp

Benefits of Original Honey For Health Under This Base Based on Existing Facts:

1. Increase endurance

2. Prevent and treat stroke

3. Streamlining the blood circulation

4. Increase hormone

5. Strengthen brain function and heart

6. Repair damaged body cells

7. Recovery body

8. Relax the tense nerves

9. Eliminates fatigue and fatigue

10. Improve intelligence in children

11. As a substitute for insulin for diabetics

12. Assists postoperative healing period

13. Helps heal leukemia

14. Treating cough, flu and colds

15. Treating sore sore throat

16. Prevent and treat ma'ag mild and chronic

17. Treating eye diseases plus and minus

18. Prevent premature aging and skin wrinkling (Young Aged)

19. Treating acne / removing scars and acne

20. Overcoming hair loss / baldness symptoms

21. Overcoming diarrhea

22. Relieve respiration (Asthma)

23. Neutralize liver function

24. Prevent the occurrence of liver inflammation

25. Streamlining urine tract

26. Prevent and alleviate the pain of toothache

27. Treating colic

28. Clean the dirty blood to avoid the occurrence of cholesterol

29. Neutralize high blood pressure

30. Neutralize low blood pressure

31. Prevent the occurrence of gingivitis and mouth

32. Treating fever

33. Overcoming Imsonia (Sleep Difficult)

34. Helps to lose excessive weight

35. Healing reautism

36. Cure Autism

37. Removes odor on the mouth (Halitosis)

38. Maintain immunity from viruses

39. Increase the appetite of child / adult

40. Streamlining menstruation (menstruation)

41. Streamline breast milk (ASI)

42. Facilitate childbirth process

43. Nourish the child during the womb

44. Heals wounds in the stomach / uterine womb

45. Makes skin glow fresh

46. Makes hair healthy and shiny

47. Treating gout

48. Treat rheumatics

49. Eliminate body odor

50. Cure illness impotence

51. Strengthen the nerves in the penis

52. Streamline and nourish urine

53. Stirs sex drive

54. Streamlining CHAPTER (defecation)

55. Improving and raising low blood platelet count

56. Cure dengue fever

57. As an anti biotic

58. Kills bacteria in the body

59. Improving nutrition

60. Cleaning the lungs, especially for heavy smokers

61. Prevent gray hair from growing

62. Killing fleas on hair

63. Prevent cancer

64. Honey as a substitute for food




Honey Bee Apis Trigona sp (Bees Klanceng) Bees klanceng (Apis Trigona) is the most widely preserved honeybee species traditionally by rural communities around the forest area of Indonesia. This bee has no sting and is not malignant. Its size is very small with the function as a pollinator of small flowers. In Javanese, Apis Trigona is called klanceng night or bell, teuweul (Sunda), gala-gala (beeswax). Generally Apis indica honey bee and klanceng trigona sp are traditionally maintained with a gelodok making its imitations of bee houses in the ronga-ronga of large tree trunks or caves that are protected from the scorching sun and rain. Artificial houses are made from coconut shoots (shoots), wooden (kapok), Wood pucung or other soft woody

Pucung or other soft woody tree trunks. By nature, insects Trigona sp marouses nest in tree holes, cracks and holes bamboo in the house rather dark. For security, the outlet is a 1 cm long hole covered with adhesive. The nest is composed of several parts for storing honey, pollen, egg-laying and larvae. In the center there is a bouquet of balls containing eggs, tempayak and pupae. In the corner there are black balls as a store of honey and pollen.

This bee produces honey and Cracks in the walls and bamboo holes in a rather dark house. For security, the outlet is a 1 cm long hole covered with adhesive. The nest is composed of several parts for storing honey, pollen, egg-laying and larvae. In the center there is a bouquet of balls containing eggs, tempayak and pupae. In the corner there are black balls as a honey and pollen store. This bee produces honey and Cracks in the walls and bamboo holes in a rather dark house. For security, the outlet is a 1 cm long hole covered with adhesive. The nest is composed of several parts for storing honey, pollen, egg-laying and larvae. In the center there is a bouquet of balls containing eggs, tempayak and pupae. In the corner there are black balls as a store of honey and pollen. This bee produces honey and Wax produced is very small, sour taste and often used for canker sores. While the candle used for batik. The worker bees are black, big-headed and sharp-eyed to bite the enemy when disturbed. The queen's queen's stomach is very large with short wings. Its size is 3-4 times the worker bees. Because it is very fat and not good at flying, these bees do not like to move places except when the nest is too old and bad or hard candle.

Why honey of Trigona sp expensive and continue to be hunted ... ???

Compared to other honey bee honey, honey bees klanceng / lanceng (Apis trigona) is much more expensive. However, the honey produced by the bees that are not stung are still being hunted by the fans. Each klanceng colony produces 1-2 kilograms of honey per year, or 2-3 bottles of 630 milliliters (ml). Each bottle is sold by farmers for Rp 200,000 and in public shops or co-operatives the price increases to Rp 65,000 per bottle 140 ml.

Bee klanceng widely known can not be raised, and the amount is very small. Therefore, the bees with the smallest physical size can be said to belong to the semi-rare category, although in the area of Tutur quite a lot. It is also at the initiative and effort of the residents themselves without the direction or guidance of the government.

Consumers generally believe that its quality, especially fructose and glucose is better than other honey bees. The second factor, the amount of production is still very little, Either whole or per colony. In comparison, Apis mellifera is able to produce about 10 kilograms of honey per colony each year, while Apis trigona is only 1-2 kilograms per colony each year. For those who have not been clever to distinguish sugar with honey, it is difficult to distinguish honey klanceng with other honey bees. It's about color, viscosity, and taste. Honey klanceng is the most special honey among many other honey-honey. Honey klanceng is still difficult in the can because no one has cultivated, and look only in the middle of the wilderness. Then the price is several fold of the price of other honey. Honey klanceng is composed of several molecules of sugar, minerals, vitamins, proteins and amino acids. Can - with the permission of God - lowers high blood pressure, diabetes, anticancer, Intellectual thinking and so forth. With regular drink honey

Healthy and ageless body. Vitamin Acids: Thiamin (B1), Riboflavin (B2), (B3), Ascorbic Acid (C), (B5), Pyridoxine (B6), Niacin, Pantothenic Acid, Biotin, Asamfolat and Vitamin K

Minerals: Sodium (Na) Calcium (Ca), Magnesium (Mg), Aluminum (Al), Iron (Fe), Phosphorus and Potassium (K), Potassium, Sodium Chlorine, Sulfur.

The major enzymes: Diatase, invertase, glucose oxidase, fructose, peroxidase,

lipase And also contain small amounts of hormones, copper, iodine and zinc with the conclusion that almost all of them contain what our bodies need. Combine with blood flow only takes 7 minutes. Here are the properties of honey: Easy to digest, low calorie

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